Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hipster Party

Yes, I’m 27 and I am still have costume parties. And I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. And honestly, everyone loved it. You’re never too old to dress up. And literally everyone came dressed up… well, except the few who already dress like hipsters, they just wore their everyday clothes. It was so much fun and as a surprise my Mom and sister Jenica drove all the way from Idaho to come. 

At the party, we had several activities for the guest to participate in such as a Photo Booth, Instagram photo contest, a hipster quiz to see how hipster you really are, and a dance party in our empty pool.

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Gift Wrap

I have recently discovered the joy of gift wrapping. I think I put in as much time and effort into wrapping the gift as I do deciding what gift to give, so here i am sharing them with you. Anyway, just a few pictures for your deserving eyes.





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Recent Portraits

Here are some recent portraits that I’ve done in the last month. I had so much fun doing them and they’ve all turned out so lovely.

Grandma’s House

After the funeral on Monday for my Grandma Jorgensen, my family and I went out to her house to re-visit it one last time before everything got cleaned out and ready to sell. I decided to take some pictures so we could have something to look back on and remember the fun times spend with Grandma.

Temple Square

Just some photos I took of Temple Square after work on Friday. What a beautiful place.

Antique Shopping in Salt Lake

My friend Natasha (aka Sunshine) and I decided to go antique store shopping on our day off and here are some images from our adventure.

We spent most of our time at Euro Treasures in Salt Lake City. This store is HUGE!! We didn’t have nearly enough time to explore and see everything they had, but here are some pictures from it. And go check it out for yourself! (470 West 600 South)
