Tag Archives: look alike

Look-alike Photo Shoot

So, when I was home in Idaho last weekend, I was talking to my mom and she was saying that ever since she had to get glasses people have been telling her she looks like Sarah Palin. Well, in that moment, I had the brilliant idea to do a Sarah Palin look alike photo shoot with my mom. And luckily when I suggested it to my mom she was all on board. My mom is so great. And here are the results:


Audrey inspired photoshoot

My friend Marijke recently got her hair cut short so we decided that we needed to do a photoshoot in honor of her new hairstyle. And who better than Audrey Hepburn for the inspiration of the photos. So here are some of the photos of audrey that inspired our photos of marijke. I think we did a pretty good job.  You can see all the photos from the shoot here.